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Showing posts from September 10, 2023

breaking News -Otu-Okaiwu Abuja to unveil her endowment scheme(Igba Boyi) Igbo apprenticeship scheme today, at NBA House, Abuja. by 1pm prompt.

The Otu-Okaiwu Abuja endowment launch is an event of great significance and importance. The high profound dignitaries to grace this occasion extends beyond the legal and political spheres. The general public's eagerness and anticipation for the arrival of these esteemed and high-profile guests is a testament to the impact and prestige associated with this great event. The presence of such dignitaries creates a sense of pride and excitement among the attendees, as they are aware of the    significance and influence these individuals possess. High Profound Dignitaries and their portfolios.         1.   Key Note speaker                    Prof Sam Amadi        2. Special  guest of Honour          His Excellency Dr Alex otti Executive Governor of Abia State              3. Guest  of Honour                 Senator Ben Obi, CON                  Kanu Agabi, SAN               4. Chairman of the day        

food safety practice analysis.

Food safety practices are essential to ensure the safety and quality of food products. Here is an analysis of some common food safety practices: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Food Safety:  Click here on :  personal hygiene  1. Proper Handwashing: One of the most crucial food safety practices is proper handwashing. This includes using warm water, soap, and scrubbing hands for at least 20 seconds before handling food. It helps to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses from hands to food. 2. Cross-contamination Prevention: Cross-contamination occurs when bacteria or other pathogens spread from one food to another. It is important to keep raw meats, poultry, and seafood separate from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination. Using separate cutting boards, utensils, and storage containers for different types of food can help prevent cross-contamination. World Health Organization (WHO) - Food Safety:  Click here: world  health organization on food safe

soul winning and it's benefits

Soul winning is the act of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others and leading them to accept Him as their personal savior. It involves actively seeking opportunities to engage in conversations about faith, sharing personal testimonies, and presenting the gospel message in a way that can lead to a person's decision to follow Jesus.  There are several benefits of soul winning, both for the person sharing the gospel and for those who receive it: 1. Personal growth : Engaging in soul winning can deepen one's own understanding and knowledge of their faith. It requires studying and reflecting on the teachings of Jesus, which can lead to personal spiritual growth and a stronger relationship with God. 2. Fulfillment and joy: Seeing someone come to faith in Jesus through soul winning can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. Witnessing the transformation and the impact of the gospel on someone's life can be incredibly rewarding. 3. Impacting eternity :  Soul winning ha

LAWSAN Awarded Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi The Best Governor Of The Year.

His Excellency Governor Ifeanyi Ugwu has been awarded  the best Governor of the year by the Law Students Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN). The award is in recognition of Govenor Ugwuanyi’s track-record and contributions to Nigerian Legal Education in particular and leadership in general . The group also praised Governor Ugwuanyi for his doggedness and personal inspiration towards youth empowerment. According to the information reaching us from the media desk of "Gov. Ugwuanyi News Updates" , the said award is awarded every year, to the best Governor who has contributed to the legal education of The Nigerian youth. The information posted on the Facebook page of the  Gov. Ugwuanyi News Updates Was reported as follows by # amokelouis: Nigerian law students, under the aegis of Law Students’ Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) will during their national convention scheduled for Friday, September 11, 2020, at Abuja, honour Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State

What we should avoid in marriage.

In order to maintain a healthy and successful marriage, it is important to avoid certain behaviors and attitudes. Here are a few things to avoid: 1. Lack of communication: Avoid suppressing your feelings or failing to express your needs and concerns. Open and honest communication is vital for a strong relationship. 2. Neglecting quality time: Avoid taking your partner for granted and neglecting to spend quality time together. Make an effort to create shared experiences and maintain a strong emotional connection. 3. Disrespect and criticism: Avoid belittling or disrespecting your partner. Treat them with kindness, empathy, and respect, even during disagreements. 4. Ignoring problems: Avoid ignoring or sweeping issues under the rug. Address problems as they arise and work towards finding solutions together. 5. Infidelity: Avoid betraying your partner's trust by engaging in infidelity. Building and maintaining trust is crucial for a healthy marriage. 6. Lack of compromise: Avoid being

How to maintain trust in a relationship.

Building trust in a relationship takes time and effort from both parties involved. Here are some suggestions to help you build trust: 1. Be Open and make honest communication: Be open and honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Encourage them to do the same. Clear communication helps build a foundation of trust. 2. Keep your promises: Follow your commitments and keep to your promises. Consistently keeping your word shows that you are reliable and trustworthy. 3. Be reliable and consistent: Show up for your partner and be there for them when they need you. Consistency in your actions and behavior helps build trust over time. 4. Avoid lying or deceit: Honesty is crucial in building trust. Avoid lying, keeping secrets, or deceiving your partner. If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it and apologize sincerely. 5. Show empathy and understanding: Be supportive and understanding of your partner's emotions and experiences. Show empathy and active

How to improve communication in your marriage to enhance a better relationship with your spouse.

Improving communication with your partner can greatly enhance your relationship. Here are some tips to help you: 1. Active listening: Practice active listening by giving your partner your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding interruptions. Show empathy and understanding by repeating back what you heard to ensure you understood correctly. 2. Express yourself clearly: Be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Use clear and concise language to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid blaming or criticizing your partner and instead focus on expressing your own feelings. 3. Non-verbal communication: Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Non-verbal cues can convey a lot of information, so try to be aware of how you are presenting yourself. 4. Timing is important: Choose the right time and place to discuss important matters. Avoid discussing sensitive topics when you or your partner are tired, stressed, or distracted. Find a calm

The true character of a Christian.

Christian virtues as a character As a Christian, there are certain character traits that are often emphasized and encouraged. While individual interpretations and practices may vary, here are some common expectations of character for a Christian: 1. Love and compassion: Christians are encouraged to love God and love others. This involves showing kindness, empathy, and understanding towards others, regardless of their background or beliefs. 2. Honesty and integrity: Christians are expected to be honest and trustworthy in their words and actions. This includes being truthful, keeping promises, and living with integrity in all areas of life. 3. Humility : Christians are called to be humble and acknowledge their own limitations and shortcomings. This involves recognizing that all people are equal before God and treating others with respect and humility. 4. Forgiveness: Christians are encouraged to forgive others, just as they have been forgiven by God. This involves letting go of grudges

Fruitfulness In All Season

Fruitfulness in season and out of season. Fruitfulness means being completely productive. In from the Christianity perception,  the word Fruitfulness; means living a righteous life and bearing Godly fruits. Bearing fruit alone can be positive or negative ie good or bad fruit depending on the nature of life one lives. Fruitfulness is the direct result of whatever controls our hearts (Matthew 15:19).    In the book of Psalm 1v3   fruitfulness is  described as the end result for living a righteous life.   Psalm 1v1 clearly states the  benefits of living a fruitful life, it says : " They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do". The fruit controlled by the holy spirit bears positive fruit such as: “ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). Genesis 26:22 – “ For now the

Overcoming hindrance for evangelism" 2 Tim 4:5.

Reflection on the theme of   our   Bible study topic:"Overcoming hindrance for evangelism " 2 Tim 4:5. Click: Quality time with God.   having passion for God . food safety     Evangelism : means preaching the good news to the people by words or through our actions, emotions and behavior. Preaching about Christ to the people who do not know Him yet and reminding others to be steadfast in serving God. Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). witnessing involves making visible what is otherwise invisible. Evangelism by Character means a situation where your lifestyle preaches to people far more than your words. It has been confirmed that one potent weapon of soul winning is character evangelism. A person can be distinguished by his/her character. Your character is also a sum total of all your good and bad attributes [1 Timothy 4:12]. Click to see

11 Enemies Of Marriage And How to Overcome Them.

join our Whatsapp desk on this link: Here are most significant enemies of marriage: Ignorance  Prayerlessness Unforgiveness  Third party influence  Stinginess Stubbornness  Lack of love  Rudeness Laziness  Disrespect  Cheating  join our Whatsapp desk via: 1. Ignorance:  Ignorance refers to a lack of knowledge or awareness. In a relationship or marriage, ignorance can be damaging because it can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and a lack of understanding of each other's needs and feelings. 2. Prayerlessness:  Prayerlessness refers to the absence or neglect of prayer in a relationship or marriage. While not everyone may be religious or practice prayer, for those who do, prayer can provide guidance, support, and a sense of connection. The absence of prayer can lead to a lack of spiritual connection and support, which can impact the overall health of the relationship. 3. Unforgiveness:  Unforgiveness refers to the refusal or inability to forgive some

Enugu Government Has called on All Qualified Nurses Of Enugu State Indigenes, Who Had Summited Their Applications To The Ministry Of Health For An Interview, Scheduled for Today, The 3rd of September, 2020.

Good news, as Governor Ugwuanyi, continues his Youth empowerment scheme in Enugu State.  The Youth friendly Governor has called on Enugu State qualified Nurses and Mapped out today, September 3, 2020 for their interview / immediate employment of successful candidates. The interview is said to take place at the Esut teaching hospital, parklane, Enugu. At 9.00am. Candidates are therefore advised to come with originals and photocopies of all their credentials and local Government identification letters. Emphatically, the call was restricted to  the Enugu State origins who had summited their applications to the ministry of health, Enugu . The information reaching our news desk  from the Facebook page of Gov. Ugwuanyi News Updates, has it that; Enugu State Government has fixed Thursday, September 3, 2020, for interview of all nurses of the state’s origin who had submitted their applications to the State Ministry of Health, Enugu. The venue for the interview, accordin

Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi Takes Every Measure To Ensure The Safety Of The People Of Enugu Over the Sudden Rise Of Spread Of Covid 19 In The State.

Enugu constitutes medical committee on de-escalation of coronavirus. Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has approved the constitution of an ad-hoc Expert Medical Advisory Committee on urgent and effective measures for de-escalation of COVID-19 pandemic in Enugu State. Newsmen report that the setting up of the committee followed the recent spike of COVID-19 cases from 76 to 144 within few days in the state. The Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Simon Ortuanya, in a statement on Tuesday, said that the committee was set-up by Gov. Ugwuanyi as recommended by the state chapter of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA). Ortuanya said that the committee would engage with leaders of various religious groups, market associations, professional associations, labour unions, National Union of Road Transport Workers, Association of Tricycle Riders Transport Union, Civil Society Organisations, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders. “The committee will recommend urgent and


ENUGU TAX RELIEF : A GOOD ECONOMIC PACKAGE FOR NDI ENUGU. 26/6/2020. Introduction. According to Investopedia, "Tax Relief is any government program or policy initiative that is designed to reduce the amount of taxes paid by individuals or businesses. It may be a universal tax cut or a targeted program that benefits a specific group of taxpayers or bolsters a particular goal of the government". Recently, the Enugu State Government under the people friendly Leadership of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi announced Tax Relief for TaxPayers in the State as part of the State Government efforts towards economic recovery from the novel Coronavirus Pandemic. The Tax Relief package covers Personal Income Tax,  PAYE , Capital Gains Tax, Land Use Charge , etc. The economic implications of the Tax Relief package is indicative of the fact that the Government of Enugu State is the most Tax-Friendly in Nigeria and investors are welcome to Enugu.   It is imperative to note that Governor

The Nigerian Bar Association Has Commenced Her 63rd Annual General Conference.

The theme of this year's Conference was carefully chosen by the conference planning committee, headed by Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN. The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) is a professional association of lawyers in Nigeria. It was founded in 1933 and serves as the umbrella body for all lawyers in the country. The NBA aims to promote the rule of law, uphold the principles of justice, protect the rights and interests of its members, and contribute to the development of the legal profession in Nigeria. The association organizes conferences, seminars, workshops, and other events to enhance legal education and professional development. It also advocates for legal reforms and plays a crucial role in ensuring the independence of the judiciary. The Nigeria Bar Association's annual conference is scheduled to be held from August 25 - 1st of September, 2023, in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. This conference would bring together lawyers, legal professionals, and stakeho

7 Reasons why your partner may face a regret in the marriage.

Join our Whatsapp desk. There can be various reasons why a man may feel regret for marrying his wife. Some common areas for potential conflict in marriage that leads to regrets are sex drive, money management, parenting techniques, relationships with in-laws, and religion.   Here are a few possible factors: 1. Compatibility issues :  If there are significant differences in values, interests, or goals between the couple, it can lead to feelings of regret over time, not having a similar thoughts or interest on investment, upbringing of children and choice of dwelling City. 2. Communication problems: Poor communication or a lack of effective communication with you your partner can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a breakdown in the relationship. 3. Unresolved conflicts:  If there are ongoing unresolved conflicts or unresolved issues from the past, it can create a sense of regret and dissatisfaction in the marriage. 4. Emotional or physical abuse:  Any form of abuse, w