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Showing posts from April 26, 2020

Courts and their jurisdiction.

There are different types of courts in Nigeria. Each of them has its own functions. So, what are the hierarchy of courts in Nigeria? Let's find this out together. Actually, courts in Nigeria are renowned and recognized as the hallowed chambers of jurisdiction, where candid justice is meted out to all and sundry, without favoritism, sentiment, emotion, or being unnecessarily involved in crass legalism. What is more, we do not only have courts of law but courts of equity as well. The Nigerian Constitution divides the government’s structure into three branches – the legislative, executive, and judiciary. According to the Section 6 of the 1999 Constitution, judicial powers are vested in the courts. Courts are authorized by law to exercise jurisdiction at first instance, and on appeals in all proceedings and actions relating to matters between people, or between government/authority and any person in Nigeria. It is also aimed at defining any question as to the civil rights a

Hope Uzodimma issues his first order as governor of Imo state

Hope Uzodimma issues his first order as governor of Imo state and this affects three of his predecessors - Uzodimma wants probe of the last three administrations before his own Just sworn in as governor of Imo, Hope Uzodimma issued his first order late Wednesday, January 15, asking that the tenures of three past heads of governments in the state be probed. Those whose tenures are affected as a result of the order include Ikedi Ohakim, his successor, Rochas Okorocha and Emeka Ihedioha, who until recently was in charge of government in the state. Uzodimma issued the order when he spoke for the first time after his inauguration. He asked the state's accountant-general to send to him the full financial standing of the state as at May 29, 2010. Uzodimma issued a four-day order to all the permanent secretaries in the state, for them to present the status of contracts that had been awarded within the same period and further instructed that all payments to contractors shoul


FEMALE CIRCUMCISION OR GENITAL MUTILATION IS AN OFFENCE UNDER THE NIGERIAN VAPP ACT. A Person who performs female circumcision or genital mutilation or engages another to carry out such circumcision or mutilation commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 4 years or to a fine not exceeding N200,000.00 or both.  Also, anyone who attempts to carry out the offence of female circumcision or genital mutilation also commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or to a fine not exceeding N100,000.00 or both.  A person who also incites , aids or abets or counsels another to commit the offence of female circumcision or mutilation commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or to a fine not exceeding N100,000.00 or both. See sec 6 (1) ,(2),(3)and (4) of violation against persons prohibited Act. Information is strength... Don't be a


CRiME AGAINST SPOUSE ATTRACTS LEGAL PUNISHMENT. DRIVING A WIFE OR SPOUSE OUT OF His/HER MATRIMONIAL HOME OR TO DENY HER ACCESS TO THE SAID HOME IS A VIOLATION AGINST HIS/HER PERSON. It is no longer business as usual for a husband to throw his wife out of the house or deprive her access to the house without an order of court for separation or divorce. It is a criminal offence against person for a husband to evict or forcefully deny the wife access to her home. The same is applicable to the husband not to be denied in any away access to his matrimonial home by the wife. The offence is punishable upon conviction with imprisonment for not more than 2 years or fine of not more than #300,000.00 or both. Also an attempt of any of this violation attracts a  punishment with imprisonment for not more than 1 year or fine of not more than #200, 000.00 or both. See sections 9(1), 9(2), 47 and 48 of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act, 2015 and similar laws acr


* WHERE IS THE EAGLE? WHERE ARE THE HORSES OF THIS NATION?* It is quite ironic that the Great Eagle of our nation's symbol is turning into a weak pigeon, or should I say, a rapacious vulture. The horses ‐ the force of progress of our nation - have become menacing cows this time around. What a mess of this era! What a shame! Who held the braved nature of this nation captive? Who crippled the economy of the nation and is rendering her fruitless with head buried in humus? It's time to ask bold questions: Things have fallen apart today. Who is to blame? Unaccountable Killings in Nigeria. Who is responsible? Leaders shifting  their responsibilities and rolling in blame games. What really has gone wrong? Daily infringements on freedom of speech. Who shut the mouth of the advocates? Unemployment, poor salary, and untimely, unjust retirement of citizens. Whose fault is it? Terrible stories of murders and kidnaps. Days have come and gone, I'm still yet to belie

WHAT IS REQUIRED OF US AS CHRISTIANS AMIDST THIS COVID 19 PANDEMIC. My advice To the people of our great nation Nigeria at this point in time. If we can fear God the way we fear coronavirus and other threatening issue causing havoc around us, we would by now be positive on who we are . Don't use this period as a period to engage in any kind of sin, for Whatever you do in life  whether seen or  unseen has a reward . Reve 22 v 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work".  The leaders who roots and  are still re -rototing recovered rooted funds made for public use, has a reward for that . A public servant who refused to carry out his duty because of favour or interest has a reward. Governors and  political leaders who embezzles funds and coverts properties entrusted to them has a reward. The police officers who sees the gun given to them for safety keeping of those around them as an opportunity to extort money, maltreat  and ki
    BIBLES  |  DEFINITIONS  |  TOPICAL STUDIES  |  LIBRARY  |  EMAIL  |  ABOUT Topical Studies   A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z Bible verses about Relationships with Brethren  ( From Forerunner Commentary ) Genesis 2:18 How can a person, independent from consistent fellowship with the body of  Christ , the church, still be a part of it? A person thinking this way is sliding away from God's intention, as His Word clearly shows. He fully intends we be active members of a physical body as well as the spiritual organism. Is the church  only  a spiritual organism? If the spiritual organism is the only important aspect, why even have congregations? Could congregations play a major role in preparing us for God's Kingdom? Let's look at this from another angle.  God  intends mankind to be an active and contributing part of a physical community. "And


GROUNDS FOR OBJECTING TO THE ADMISSIBILITY OF A DOCUMENT IN PROCEEDINGS IN NIGERIA.  The position of E.C MPI, Esq When a witness is led in evidence in chief to tender a document, such a witness is referred to his deposition on oath and pointed to a place where he pleaded the document the document sought to be tendered. Counsel applies to show the document to the witness and asked if he recognises the document and thereafter an application to tender is made to the court. The court directs the registrar to show the document to the other counsel to either object to the admissibility of the document or allow it to be admitted. Most lawyers are faced with the problem of objecting to certain documents and sometimes when they object, they loose the point of law on which to hinge their objections. Admissibility of a document can only be objected to on points of law and in accordance with the provisions of the Evidence Act. This piece serves as a guide on how to object to documents sought to

the incessant extra-judicial killings of innocent Nigerians in this country is getting out of hands,... the police and Covid which one is more dangerous now ?

 Nigeria Police and the incessant extra-judicial killings of innocent Nigerians in the name of lockdown and sit at home order of the Government, in abid to avoid the spread of convid19 in Nigeria. Firstly ,the killing of an innocent boy at mkpo in anambra state which cost so much riot around the city thereby creating fear on possibility of spreading the virus within the city as a result of people th Who came in Mass to protest against the killing of the innocent boy. uptil now the anambra state government have said or done nothing about it. Secondly   there was another killing of a young youth in ohafia ,which resulted in the burning down of police vans, houses and order government properties by the angry youths in their numbers. Thirdly,  there was a  harrasment of a nursing mother in osun state, who came out to buy some drugs for her nursing baby only to be flogged and been beating up by some police men on patrol. And many many others reported and unrepo

Section 34(6) of AMCON Act declared Unconstitutional by Lagos State High Court.

SECTION 34(6) OF AMCON Act Unconstitutional The lagos state High Court has declared  provisions of Section 34(6) of the AMCON (Amendment No. 2) Act unconstitutional the act, which was signed into law in August, 2019 has been held to be incapable of overriding the Constitutional powers of the Court to grant an injunction, in deserving cases. Ruling on an application for Injunction filed by Mr. Adedayo Mumuni Shittu through his counsel Mayowa Owolabi against Mr Lanre Olaoluwa, the Court held that the powers of the Court cannot be curtailed by an Act of the National Assembly. Mr Shittu had approached the Court seeking for an order restraining Mr Lanre Olaoluwa from preventing him from gaining access to his home in Victory Park Estate, Lekki, Lagos. Mr Shittu had bought and developed the property, where he lived with his family before Mr. Lanre Olaoluwa forcefully ejected him and his family from their home based on a Judgment against persons who sold the property to Mr Shittu. The Asset Ma


Good news as the two police men who harrased a nursing mother in a video that went viral on social media at Osun state, have been dismissed from the Nigeria police force, following their arrest and investigation that was conducted in that regards. The said woman,who gave her name as Tola Azeez ,was said to have gone out to buy drugs in a pharmacy, when she was accustomed on her way by the said police men whom were on duty at that iwo area,of osun state. for failing to observe the lockdown order that was made in the state as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in the country.The said two police men flooged her mercilessly without pity. Following the ugly incident and the reactions of people on social media,the inspector-General of police, Mohammed Adamu ordered for the immediate arrest and disciplinary action against the two  police men. Consequently ,the Nigeria Police Force announced on Friday, April 24, 2020,barely a week after their arrest, that the erring o