Reflection on the theme of our Bible study topic:"Overcoming hindrance for evangelism " 2 Tim 4:5. Click: Quality time with God. having passion for God . food safety Evangelism : means preaching the good news to the people by words or through our actions, emotions and behavior. Preaching about Christ to the people who do not know Him yet and reminding others to be steadfast in serving God. Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). witnessing involves making visible what is otherwise invisible. Evangelism by Character means a situation where your lifestyle preaches to people far more than your words. It has been confirmed that one potent weapon of soul winning is character evangelism. A person can be distinguished by his/her character. Your character is also a sum total of all your good and bad attributes [1 Timothy 4:12]. Click to see ...
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