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Showing posts with the label religious teachings.

soul winning and it's benefits

Soul winning is the act of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others and leading them to accept Him as their personal savior. It involves actively seeking opportunities to engage in conversations about faith, sharing personal testimonies, and presenting the gospel message in a way that can lead to a person's decision to follow Jesus.  There are several benefits of soul winning, both for the person sharing the gospel and for those who receive it: 1. Personal growth : Engaging in soul winning can deepen one's own understanding and knowledge of their faith. It requires studying and reflecting on the teachings of Jesus, which can lead to personal spiritual growth and a stronger relationship with God. 2. Fulfillment and joy: Seeing someone come to faith in Jesus through soul winning can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. Witnessing the transformation and the impact of the gospel on someone's life can be incredibly rewarding. 3. Impacting eternity :  Soul winning ha