LEGISPRUDENCE- COMMENTS ON LEGISLATIVE LAW ISSUES BY DR. TONYE CLINTON JAJA AND THE ASSOCIATION OF LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING AND ADVOCACY PRACTITIONERS (ALDRAP) ALDRAP is proud to present LEGISPRUDENCE a platform to feature commentary on legislative law issues as they arise. Today, we feature Raymond Esegbabon, ESQ. He is a legislative lawyer par excellence and founding Editor-In-Chief of the Legislative Law Reports of Nigeria (LLRN). ON THE SENATOR NINGI'S suspension, he has this to say: "By the relevant provisions of the Senate Standing Orders 2014 and the Legislative House (Powers & Privileges Act), a maximum period of 14 days suspension is allowed. Anything in excess will amount will amount to a breach of the law. 1. Except the Legislative Powers & Privileges Act has been amended, the Senate cannot suspend a member indefinitely or for a l...
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