Reflection on the theme of our Bible study topic:"Overcoming hindrance for evangelism" 2 Tim 4:5.
Evangelism: means preaching the good news to the people by words or through our actions, emotions and behavior.
Preaching about Christ to the people who do not know Him yet and reminding others to be steadfast in serving God.
Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). witnessing involves making visible what is otherwise invisible.
Evangelism by Character
means a situation where your lifestyle preaches to people far more than your words. It has been confirmed that one potent weapon of soul winning is character evangelism.
A person can be distinguished by his/her character. Your character is also a sum total of all your good and bad attributes [1 Timothy 4:12].
Click to see the: Charaters of an envangelist
1. LOVE: It is impossible for you to preach to the person you do not love [1 John 4:7-8, Matthew 5:44].
2. FAITH: If we don’t have faith in the gospel we are preaching, how can people believe our word? There is need for strong faith that will gear up the faith of those who hear us [John 14:12; 1 Corinthians 16:13]. Faith is what makes us and our service acceptable before God [Heb. 11:6].
2. PRAYERFULNESS: 1 Thessalonians 5:7; 1 Tim. 2:1-4. Prayer evangelism is winning souls through prayer i.e. affecting them in the spirit realm which will consequently manifest in the physical realm.
3. SPEECH/CONFESSION: Be an example in speech [1 Timothy 4:12; Colossians 4:6]. Always say positive things. Avoid the use of foul language.
4. DRESSING: Dress the way you want to be addressed.
*It suggests the kind of people we are [Matthew 7:20]
*It must be moderate [Philippians 4:5; 1 Tim; 2:9
*It must glorify God [1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:23
*It must not be corruptible [1 Peter 3:3-4(Inner dressing)]
Others include temperament, purity etc.
*What are the obstacles to evangelism?
1. Fear
“Fear of what to say, how to start, whom to preach the word to and what others will think”
--People won’t like me,not knowing how people will react,“Don’t think people are interested”.
2. Time or being too busy
“Time”: always been occupied by other activities or things less important to the kingdom race.
“There is always something else that needs to be done at every point in time we supposed to preach about christ”
3. Lack of Ministers
Invailiability of ministers get round the masses or cover up a community.
4. Lack content or Inadequacy
we are not soul conscious, as to provoke us to witness effectively.
The Fear that my life won’t live up to the testimony I profess or Fear that I will say something wrong and jump in too quickly”
5. Not Knowing what to say or How to initiative conversations
Too often, we spend all of our “religion talk” on the Church, not Jesus. We feel more comfortable talking about the Church
One major reason we don’t evangelize is that we kind of doubt all of that that God foin. Is Jesus real? Will he really improve the lives of the people you are evangelizing to ?
There are two reasons, usually, that we are too shy to talk about something about the word of God. Our self-esteem is either too low or too high.
9. We prefer talking to people who had heard the word before to sinners.
Sometimes we don’t evangelize because, to be frank, we’re fine with the status quo. We like the people in our comfortable circles. We don’t particularly like the people outside them.
Self Examination
Given your Character in your neighborhood, can you lead evangelism there? Yes or know???
Can your behavior win souls for Christ or will people forbid the word of God because of your character.
Prosperity gospel as an obstacle to evangelism.
Do you consider prosperity gospel an obstacle to evangelism? Yes or No, give reasons
Prosperity gospel
One of the most dangerous perversions of the gospel of Jesus Christ is called the prosperity gospel. It is a version of Christianity claiming that God promises Christians a healthy and financially prosperous life if only they are sufficiently faithful.
The prosperity gospel is a false gospel that substitutes a vision of present earthly happiness for a vision of the final restoration of heaven and earth that the Bible anticipates.
In contemporary society, the prosperity gospel is most attractive as it inspires the poor to seek holiness in exchange for God’s blessings. The message of prosperity gospel preachers is that believers who give “seed money” are sowing a financial blessing that they are guaranteed to reap.
In conclusion
We must begin to live our lives in a manner that those who see us will want to give their lives to Christ. Don’t be an object of discouragement to others who are yet to give their lives to Christ.cter*
means a situation where your lifestyle preaches to people far more than your words. It has been confirmed that one potent weapon of soul winning is character evangelism.
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