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Showing posts from December 31, 2023

Enugu State Correctional Service Headquarters Celebrates and decorated Newly Promoted Senior Officers of it's command.

In a momentous event held yesterday at the Correctional Parade Ground in Enugu State, the Comptroller of Correctional Service, alongside other senior officers, gathered to decorate and congratulate the recently promoted senior officers. This celebration comes as a result of their outstanding performance in the promotion course held last year in Imo State. The highlight of the event was the decoration of the Deputy Comptroller of Correctional Service (DCP), as well as 99 other deserving senior officers who successfully secured their promotions through the rigorous promotion course. The Comptroller, in his opening remarks, expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the newly promoted officers and emphasized the importance of their new responsibilities. He reminded them that their promotions were a testament to the excellent work they had done in the past and that they should continue to strive for excellence in their future endeavors. The presence of relatives and friends of

NBA Garkki Branch,Conveys warm wishes to members of her Branch and Provides Convenient Payment Method for Bar Practicing Fee.

Dear Esteemed Members of NBA Garkki Branch, Abuja, As we approach the new year, the leadership of NBA Garkki Branch, Abuja, extends warm season's greetings to all our esteemed members. We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with important directives regarding the payment of your Bar Practicing Fee (BPF) for the upcoming year. In line with the digitalization efforts of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), we have implemented a convenient and efficient method for paying your BPF using the BPF code: 126 , exclusively for NBA Garkki Branch, Abuja, through the NBA Digital App. To Pay For Branch Due (For Registered Members):  Kindly visit http:  Login to your dashboard  By the “Branch Due” section, click on "Pay Now"  Select Branch Due and click on "Make Payment"  Choose your payment method and proceed to m

The leadership of NBA Abuja Branch (Unity Bar) extends season's greetings to members of the branch and urges them to pay their Bar Practicing Fee via the BPF code: 004 for NBA Abuja Branch, using the NBA Digital App.

find other interesting articles via this click. Distinguished Learned Silks, Benchers and Colleagues,  Compliments of the Season!   The BPF code for NBA Abuja Branch is 004   Please be reminded that the Bar Practicing Fee (BPF) for the year 2024 shall become payable from the 1st of January, 2024 to 31st of March, 2024, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9(1) of the Legal Practitioners Act. As we usher in the new year, it is essential for all legal practitioners to be aware of their obligations and responsibilities. One such obligation is the payment of the Bar Practicing Fee (BPF), which is a requirement for all members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). In an effort to streamline the payment process and enhance convenience for its members, the NBA has introduced the NBA Digital App: Efficiency and Convenience: Gone are the days of queuing up at the NBA office or struggling with m