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Showing posts from August 12, 2018
Things fall apart" After about 59years now ,there is still no hope of solution on the way forward. must we wait for another hundred years to fix the wrong envisaged by the great literature writer, Chinua Achebe of the blessed memory ;or do we wait for his second coming to proffer solution to this after how many years since he wrote the famous novel "THINGS FALL APART" in 1959. Change must come now, we must change the wrong foundation , starting from our small family setting  ,up to the highest class structure. Correct the wrong impression of things around you ,Do not wait for someone else to perfect the miracle or fold your arms as if it doesn't matter. But remember that what seems not to matter today,might concern you tomorrow. Your mistake today can cause you lots tomorrow. Questions for reflection ??? 1.How do you treat the less privileges ones around you? 2.How do you react to an unjust transaction done in your presence 3.How do you treat people in your