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Showing posts from September 10, 2017

A cry of a lonely child.

I want to thank everybody for the short reunion I share with you all. I have read most of our thoughts ,I have seen our headway and I have shared some thought with you within a short while after so many years . thank you for complaining about everything i do, making me more head strong. thanks for showing me how to "not  the tie" amidst  of difficulties . i appreciate you all for never being there for me; making me even more independant , so i know that people won’t always be there for me & i’ll always have myself. thank you for complaining about everything i do, making me more head strong. thank you for leaving me when i needed you the most, so now i know to never expect people to stay with me forever. you make my life a little more easy, because i’m never disappointed anymore. so… thanks.


HOW TO AVOID ADULTERY IN YOUR MARRIAGE. Please note that you can avoid adultery. It is within your power to do so, if you really mean it. Carelessness is one of the major causes of affairs in marriage not the devil in the real sense of it as many people always claim when they fall into error. So abide with the following simple rules and you will never fall into adultery... 1: Never make a member of the opposite sex your best friend with whom you share intimate discussions. 2: Never be with a member of the opposite sex at a time your spouse doesn't know you are there. 3: Never speak evil about your spouse in the presence of anyone. they will know you are not happy in your marriage and take advantage of that by showing you insincere affections and give you what you lack with your Spouse and destroy you. 5: Never visit a website you will not be proud to tell your children and wife / husband you visited. 6: Avoid keeping secrets from your spouse, AFFAIRS thrive in secrecy. 7:

Importance of Incorporation and Registration of Names.

IMPORTANCE OF REGISTRATION OF  BUSINESS NAME  AND INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES IN NIGERIAN COPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION.  THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW AND THE STEP TO TAKE TO REGISTER A BUSINESS ORGNIZATION IN NIGERIA.  Requisition to make before entering or carrying out incorporation.  1.What kind of business organization do you what to operate? 2.What is the size of the business organization you intend to run.  3.What is the risk and scope of the liability of the organization?  4.Is the business profit oriented? the profit made for the charity organization?  6.Are there restrictions on the name intended to be used?  7.what is object of the intended organization. A: A business name is the name which a business trades under for commercial purposes. A business does not actually begin by formulating a business plan or opening a bank account. It starts from choosing a name. There is more to business name than just identity. A good business name is an advertising tool. Many