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DON'T BE TOO CHEAP Don't underrate yourself while making  decision,take advantage of opportunities that come around you but in doing so guide yourself against evil. Humility deserves honour and respect, but do not let others have their way at your expense. Don't give up ur right to please evil or an unjust act, never hesitate to speak out when the occasion demands. Be the master of your self and discipline yourself in a way that you u can not be easily bought over buy any price.


Constitutional safeguard of an accuse person in Nigeria. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees fair hearing to every person charged or accused of criminal offence. It provides that in any trial of an accuse person before a court of law, he or she should be protected by this constitutional rights . Constitutional safeguards presuppose that an accused person arrested or detained in custody must be accorded with all the  rights as guaranteed in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic  of Nigeria. These Rights Includes; Presumption of innocence ,the accused person shall remain innocent until proved guilty of the offence charged. public trial for criminal offence (except in certain circumstances – public safety/order, welfare of child offenders etc.)Written charge informing the individual of the detail and nature of the offence, Adequate time and facilities for preparation of his/her defence . Right to a legal practitioner of his/her choice. R


YOUR RIGHT IS YOUR strength.  CONSIDER YOUR RIGHT AND DO THE NEEDFUL. HUMAN RIGHT IS A CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION.  Every Nigerian citizen has rights, duties, liabilities and privileges, which are provided for in the constitution and  laws of our nation Nigeria  . These Rights are referred to as Fundamental Rights that are  inalienable  , rights that has specificly provided for in the constitution of federal republic of Nigeria. These rights are contained in Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended, and are officially known as  Fundamental Rights. These right are enforceable in all the Goe-political regions of Nigeria and can be tried before any high court whether state or federal for its enforcement.  These Rights to be discussed includes the following;  1. RIGHT TO LIFE This  Right is enshirined in section 33 of the 1999  constitution of federal republic of Nigeria, as amended.this is  the most important right of every Nigeria

Vicarious liability and it's application

Vicarious liability  refers to a situation where someone is held responsible for the actions or omissions of another person. In a workplace context, an employer can be liable for the acts or omissions of its employees, provided it can be shown that they took place in the course of their employment. Vicarious liability is a form of a  strict ,  secondary liability  that arises under the  common law  doctrine yof  agency ,  respondeat superior , the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their subordinate or, in a broader sense, the responsibility of any third party that had the "right, ability or duty to control" the activities of a violator. It can be distinguished from  contributory liability , another form of secondary liability, which is rooted in the  tort  theory of  enterprise liability  because, unlike contributory infringement, knowledge is not an element of vicarious liability.The law has developed the view that some relationships by their nature requir

Accomplice liability and its principles.

Accomplice liability. Accomplice liability is the concept of imposing legal responsibility upon a person who solicits another person in committing a crime, or aids or agrees to aid such other person in planning or committing a crime. In some states, an accomplice’s act may be referred to as “aiding and abetting” a crime. The “lookout” and “getaway driver” at a bank robbery are classic examples of persons who are accomplices. Accomplices, therefore, are typically present at a crime scene, although that is not required. In addition, in many states other persons who may have aided a crime in some lesser way may be liable as “accessories.” An example of an accessory is someone who is aware that a crime has occurred and either does something to conceal the crime or assists the criminal in avoiding capture by law enforcement. These accessory offenses are commonly called “obstruction of justice.”  Vicarious liability. Vicarious liability is the concept of imposing legal responsibility upon
Welcome everyone to this beautiful season of Christmas  .  My prayer is that the good lord will continue to protect us in all our efforts in life and may our expectations never be cut short. Happy New Year to you my dear. May you have a blissful and fruitful new year.  I want to appreciate you for making out time to read this post.  Lets talk on the principle and legal implication of a third party practice in Nigeria. Who is a third party? A third party is a person who is responsible to another persons act in tort or liable to a damage caused by another . Example a: Where Mr A. Insures his car against accident and Mr A causes damage to the car owned by Mr B. Mr B will hold mr A for the act but because Mr A. Insured his car against accident, he will hold the insurance company to indemnify Mr B. Example b: Where an employee of a banks does a wrong to a customer, the bank will be held liable for the act of the employee . * What are the circumstances that give rise to a