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Rinu Oduala:  to Buhari, Sanwo-Olu, Police, others  Release protesters now –   Few hours to the arrest of 11 Protestants at the lekki togate by the Nigerian police, the Protestants who were allegedly protesting at the togate against the  killings and security challenges rocking the country and the need for an immediate reaction, were being arrested early hours of today, including the popular music artist,  Mr Macaroni. I  condemn in totality this inhuman treatment meted out on #Mr_Macaroni and other #Lekkigate_Peaceful_Protesters. herdsmen & #Bandits who kill, rob, kidnap, Rape & Destroy homes & then treat peacefully protesting youths in such a dehumanising & undignifying manner. This is completely unacceptable. What is even wrong with this Country? My heart bleeds for Nigeria #FREElekkiProtestersNOW Rin Oduala, the #EndSars campaigner a#uformer youth representative on the Lagos State Judicial Panel of Inquiry probing alleged shooting of protesters by soldiers at the Le

Public and private schools in Lagos State to resume on Monday, 18th of January, 2021.

The Lagos State Government has re- affirmed it's Earlier pronouncement on resumption date for opening of schools for both private and public school. The state Government made this known in a pos on their twitter account yesterday the 15th of January, 2021. The according to the information we got from the source, schools will resume on Monday, the 18th of January, 2021 for the second term of 2020/2021 academic session. The media director has this to say; The Lagos State Government has reaffirmed its earlier pronouncement that all public and private schools in Lagos State below tertiary level should resume on Monday, 18th January, 2021 for the second term 2020/2021 academic session. @jidesanwoolu @lasgeducation @hc_education #LASG This is in line with the federal government directives on school resumption date scheduled for 18th January, 2021. Which is the same with schools in the South Eastern part of the country.

Our Lord Jesus commanded us to love our Enemies.

This condition to qualify as a child of God will shock you; Love Your Enemies. Lord Christ Jesus has made it clear that for one to qualify as a child of God he/she must be ready to let go and must were tolerance as a garment. This is made clear in his instructions in the Matthew gospel of chapter 5: 44-46.  “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?”   May God help us in compliance to his words. Serving God is not easy but with the Grace of God around us we will keep pushing untill we get there.

Dr Ngozi Okonjo lweala Has Emerged As One Of The two top Finalist To Contest The Wto Director General.

The Nigerian candidate,as well as the two time finance minister, Dr Ngozi okonjo Iweala has made it to the final stage of the WTO contest for the Director General of the Organization. According Dr Okonjo Iweala, she said that she is delighted to be in the final round of the voting exercise. Therefore our news desk wishes to debuk the news going viral on The information concerning Dr Ngozi okonjo Iweala winning the Wto seat as false information. for further clearity, she only emerged as one of the two women finalist to contest the position come 7th of November,2020. This she disclosed in her Twitter account. Thus; Happy to be in the final round of the @wto DG campaign. Thanks, WTO members for your continued support of my candidacy. I could not have made it without the prayers and support of all Nigerians and friends around the world. Thank you @MBuhari and all my friends. Aluta continua! God's willing, she will be crowned

The Reflection On The Teaches Of Christ

Brethren it is not enough to think we love God by mere attending church service or holy mass,yet we are involved in  lying, sexual immorality, hatred and pervert acts Such words should not be found nor mentioned amongst us, see -Ephesians 5 :3.  Any one who continues to live in such flesh or sin will be doomed. Ephesians 5:5. The word of God made it clear for us that if you must serve God be ready to put to end your oldselves ie giving away everything that hinders us from serving God and follow him. Ephesians 6 :11 Do not comform yourselves to the standard of this world, instead, let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mindset. Romans 12:2 You must love christ more than you love yourself or your friends nor loveones. "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10 :37 If you love christ you must be ready to abandon all your "ago", wealth

The president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has come out boldly to criticize the purported amendment on the RPC by the General council of the Bar, which was done to be in comformity with the Legal Practioners Act, as was stated by the chairman of the General Counil of the Bar.

The NBA President has called on lawyers to maintain status quo on the position of the RPC ,and urged everyone to continue with their normal businesses and disregard the said amendment, stating that no notice was sent to NBA before the said amendment by the general council of the Bar. According to the NBA President, Mr OLUMIDE AkPATA, base on the message we  got from his Facebook page, the recently Inaugurated president of NBA has this to say; I have seen and read Statutory Instrument No. 15 of 2020 (the “Instrument”), making the rounds on social media and which purports to amend certain provisions of the 2007 Rules of Professional Conduct for Legal Practitioners (RPC).  Since the Instrument was released, I have received numerous calls and messages from lawyers across the country seeking clarification and guidance on the purport of the Instrument.  By virtue of the Instrument, the following provisions of the RPC are to be deemed deleted: a) Rule 9(2), which relates to defaul