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INEC should rescind the deregistration order and ignore the unproductive political parties. They should be allowed to exist. INEC should rather take measures to ensure that public funds are not used to sustain their existence and that their existence does not hamper the political process. The issues should not be about deregistration which I believe is a violation of the right to freedom of association. The issues should be, should INEC give money to political parties for elections? If yes, which political parties should qualify for the subventions? Should every political party be on the Ballot paper? How can we reduce the confusion of having lengthy party names and logos on the Ballot Paper when only a few are known to the voter? These are the real issues”.

Newswatch v attah.

Newswalch Communications Limited v. Alhaji Aliyu Ibrahim Atta, I said: "A trial Judge can indulge a party in the judicial process for sometime but not for all times. A trial Judge has the right to withdraw his indulgence at the point the fair hearing principle will be compromised, compounded or will not really be fair as it affects the opposing party who equally yearns for it in the judicial process. At that stage, the party who is not up and doing to take advantage of the fair hearing principle put at his door steps by the trial Judge, cannot complain that he was denied fair hearing, such is the situation I see in this appeal."

Say no to human desire and allow the spirit of God to guide your affairs.

You can not love God and wealth,you must choose one. either to serve God or pursue your wealth. Matthew 6 v 24. Brethren the earlier we know this the better for us.  Those who live as their human nature tells them to, have their minds controlled by what human nature wants. Romans 8v5 What then is human nature or human flesh ? Human nature is a bundle of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, which humans are said to have naturally. The term is often regarded as capturing what it is to be human, or the essence of humanity. To be controlled by human nature results in death; The characteristics of human flesh was classified in the book of Galatians 5 v 19-21 "The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this wil

Constitutional guide lines on the removal of a judge and the legality of suspension of the Nigerian's CJN. By the Executive President.

The constitutional directions with respect to removal of  judges from office and the legality or otherwise of the suspension of the CJN. By virtue of section 292, the constitution reads: “(1) A judicial officer shall not be removed from his office or appointment before his age of retirement except in the following circumstances -(a) in the case of – (i) Chief Justice of Nigeria, President of the Court of Appeal, Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and President, Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, by the president acting on an address supported by two-thirds majority of the Senate. “(ii) Chief Judge of a State, Grand Kadi of a Sharia Court of Appeal or President of a Customary Court of Appeal of a State, by the Governor acting on an address supported by two-thirds majority of the House of Assembly
Things fall apart" After about 59years now ,there is still no hope of solution on the way forward. must we wait for another hundred years to fix the wrong envisaged by the great literature writer, Chinua Achebe of the blessed memory ;or do we wait for his second coming to proffer solution to this after how many years since he wrote the famous novel "THINGS FALL APART" in 1959. Change must come now, we must change the wrong foundation , starting from our small family setting  ,up to the highest class structure. Correct the wrong impression of things around you ,Do not wait for someone else to perfect the miracle or fold your arms as if it doesn't matter. But remember that what seems not to matter today,might concern you tomorrow. Your mistake today can cause you lots tomorrow. Questions for reflection ??? 1.How do you treat the less privileges ones around you? 2.How do you react to an unjust transaction done in your presence 3.How do you treat people in your
DON'T BE TOO CHEAP Don't underrate yourself while making  decision,take advantage of opportunities that come around you but in doing so guide yourself against evil. Humility deserves honour and respect, but do not let others have their way at your expense. Don't give up your right to please evil or an unjust act, never hesitate to speak out when the occasion demands. Be the master of your self and discipline yourself in a way that you u can not be easily bought over buy any price. Information strengthens the wick . Your opportunity starts now if only you can grab it. .. Follow me @ Michael's legal diary. Obinnamichaelochili.Com

Driving while drunk is an offence in Nigeria.

Driving while drunk  is quite bad and can lead one into crime commission. weekends are known to be a period when people use for outing and so many group meetings equally takes place.  There will be Plainty of free drinks, from friends and relations indeed . but don't allow yourself to drink to stupor and get out of contrtol. Free drinks intoxicates, therefore check your level of consumption to avoid paying as a result of your carelessness or recklessness while driving home drunk. Driving while drunk is against  section 27(1)of BAC laws CAP 148 (Traffic Code Law)   it is worldwide agreement that alcohol involved-drinking is to be curtailed to a lowest minimum. The road safety act punishes offenders by #5000 fine. See sec. 10(4)and 28(2) offences and their punishment. Apart from the penalty for driving while drunk, you can as well have accident on the way just because you were unable to curtail you drinking habit. Curtailing your act strengthens your ability.Informa