ÛUpdate report of our laat Wednesday's Virgil.
The Virgil was very productive and the glory of God was overwhelming.
Members turnout for the Virgil was commendable.
The program started with praying of Rosary and praises, led by sis Achimogu Veronica and bro Matthew Ekemzie, respectively.
The Virgil was moderated by bro Solomon Fache, and the ministrition was done by own, big Bro in the lord, Edward Asoliomen.
Topic of the night: *I come to set the captives free.*
Reflection verse Ephesians 4 : 11-16
Reflect points:
* Christ came to set the captives free
* In life if you look up to someone, the difference between you and the person is understanding.
* Call on God he will answer Number 12:13-14.
* Moses was very Humble and faithful, despite all his Prophetic gifts, he remained meeked and was recorded as the most humble person on earth.
What Is Healing And Deliverance?
The purpose of this ministry is to help persons into freedom through healing and/or deliverance prayer.
Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.
Deliverance means freedom from demonic manipulation through Christ Jesus into being the person the Lord created us to be.
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." Gal 5:1
Deliverance is looked upon from a demonic perspective, while healing is from a natural or health perception. A person can be demonically affected/possessed, but he/she will tell you he/she isn't .
Healing/Deliverance is a gift given to us free of charge.
1. Your relationship with God must be genuine. John 15 v 5..
2. It must be a growing person. Galatians 1 v 4. You can't entrust the things of...
John 8 - Psalm 1v 1-13. Joshua 1v 8 for you to be effective. You must grow. You must study and grow. Every parasite must be removed.
3. You must be a trained person.
4. You must be a prayer person.
5. You must be a holy person. James 35 v 15. 2nd Timothy 2 ..
You work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. A child of God does not quarrel. A quarrel is caused by anger. "If those who are called by my name can humble themselves, I will answer them."
You must study the bible daily, from Genesis to the end. Book by book, study.
If the glory of God is upon you, extraordinary things begin to happen. You will do things you can't imagine. John 14 v 12..
Study, teach yourself to pray always. When you study, God will begin to teach you what you should know. The Bible becomes your mirror and manual of and for life .
If you don't have time to study, you can't become an effective intercessory minister. 1st John 2 v 15 -17. The flesh is always at war with the spirit. When the flesh is constantly in control of your life, you can't bear fruit as a believer.
1. You must believe in the healing and deliverance power of God and His word. Have faith
2. You must be compassionate. Love.
3. You must utilize the gifts God has given to you. Freely He gave us, freely we must give.
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