In a shocking incident, a resident doctor, Dr Orockarrah Orock, attached to the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) in Enugu State, managed to escape from the clutches of his kidnappers. The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has confirmed the incident and expressed deep concern over the safety of doctors in the state.
According to Dr Celestine Ugwoke, the Chairman of NMA, Enugu State chapter, Dr Orock was abducted from the hospital vicinity on Saturday night. The doctor's escape came about when his abductors negotiated a ransom with his wife. After the negotiation, the kidnappers fell asleep, presumably due to the influence of drugs and alcohol. Seizing this opportunity, Dr Orock crawled away from the spot where he was kept, trekked and ran a considerable distance until he reached an area with human activities. Finally, he emerged near the Four Corner Junction of the Enugu-Port Harcourt Expressway, where he managed to contact his wife for assistance.
Dr Ugwoke expressed his deep concern over the safety of doctors in the state, particularly those working in tertiary health institutions. He stated, "We are really in trouble as doctors are now their target and we are living in fear as the kidnappers now chase us as if they are chasing rats."
The chairman issued a stern warning, stating that if any more doctors were abducted from the UNTH, doctors at the teaching hospital would completely halt their services. He further emphasized that this warning would extend to other tertiary hospitals in the state as well.
The incident highlights the growing danger faced by doctors in Enugu State, as kidnappers specifically target them. The NMA has called for urgent action to ensure the safety and security of medical professionals who dedicate their lives to saving others.
The safety of doctors is of utmost importance, as their well-being directly affects the quality of healthcare provided to the public. It is crucial for the government and relevant authorities to address this issue promptly, implementing measures to safeguard doctors and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.
The NMA's concern reflects the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for action. Doctors should be able to carry out their duties without fear for their lives. The abduction of a doctor is not just an attack on an individual but an attack on the entire healthcare system.
It is hoped that the authorities will take immediate steps to ensure the safety of doctors and prevent further incidents of this nature. The well-being of medical professionals must be prioritized to maintain a functional healthcare system and protect the lives of the people they serve.
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