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Ministry of finance press release.

FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE PRESS STATEMENT WEDNESDAY, 18TH OCTOBER, 2017 World Bank Denies Disagreeing With Adeosun On Foreign Borrowings The World Bank Group, on Wednesday, denied that the Bank disagreed with Honourable Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, over the borrowings by the Nigerian Government to stimulate the economy and finance infrastructure projects in the country. In a mail to the Minister by the Senior Communications Officer of the World Bank, Mr. Rachid Benmessaoud, the Bank averred that the media misrepresented and quoted out of context the comments made by its Senior Economist for Nigeria, Gloria Joseph-Raji, at an event in Abuja. Benmessaoud said, “On October 11th, during the launch of Africa's Pulse, the World Bank's biannual analysis of African economies, World Bank Senior Economist for Nigeria, Gloria Joseph-Raji, was asked by a reporter to share her views on the Federal Government's plan to increase external borrowing.  “At no p

Plea -negotiation and its importance in nigeria

What is meant by the term ‘plea negotiation’? Are plea negotiations a usual part of criminal proceedings? Why do plea negotiations occur in criminal matters? Are there specific rules or guidelines prosecutors must follow? Do plea negotiations always result in a defendant securing a lesser charge or sentence? When do plea negotiations usually occur? How do plea negotiations usually occur? Is there a standard process? Who is involved in the plea negotiation process? Who makes the decision to accept or reject a plea offer or proposal? What things are prosecutors required to consider before accepting or rejecting a plea offer? Do I get to have a say? What is meant by the term ‘disputed facts’? Are there any benefits to accepting a plea offer? What if i am unhappy or dissatisfied with a decision made by the dpp? What if i require further information or support to understand the plea negotiation process? What is meant by the term ‘plea negotiation’? Negotiations are a regu

Breach of trust on business transactions and other white collar crimes.

White Collar Crime There is no specific crime called “white collar” crime; it’s a generic term for a type of crime. white collar crime became very popular in 1939, when sociologist Edwin Sutherland described it in a speech (to a joint meeting of the American Sociological Society and the American Economic Association) as crime “committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.”[14] But there is no universal agreement on its definition or the specific crimes encompassed by the term. Rather, white collar crime is typically defined in one of three ways:'  (1) by the category of offender (e.g., high socioeconomic status or position of trust); (2) by the category of offense (e.g., economic or business crime); or (3) by the form of organizational culture.[15] While Mr. Sutherland defined it the first way,[16] the US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has largely defined it the second way—“. . . those illegal acts

A better Nigeria.

As we mark our Independence Anniversary as an indivisible nation whose unity and togetherness is very paramount and non negotiable. Therefore, I look forward to seeing a better Nigeria  where all the roads are tarred for easy accessibility  by the users. I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where the leaders and those occupying public offices do not steal the money entrusted to them.  I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where workers are faithful and just in doing their jobs without playing pranks with their given responsibilities. I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where workers' salaries are being paid as at when due. I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where leaders are ready to represent the people in more effective and efficient manner.. I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where the military will go back to the barracks leaving the police with the responsibility of protecting lives and properties of the civilians  in the our nation.  I look forward to seeing a Nigeria where

A cry of a lonely child.

I want to thank everybody for the short reunion I share with you all. I have read most of our thoughts ,I have seen our headway and I have shared some thought with you within a short while after so many years . thank you for complaining about everything i do, making me more head strong. thanks for showing me how to "not  the tie" amidst  of difficulties . i appreciate you all for never being there for me; making me even more independant , so i know that people won’t always be there for me & i’ll always have myself. thank you for complaining about everything i do, making me more head strong. thank you for leaving me when i needed you the most, so now i know to never expect people to stay with me forever. you make my life a little more easy, because i’m never disappointed anymore. so… thanks.


HOW TO AVOID ADULTERY IN YOUR MARRIAGE. Please note that you can avoid adultery. It is within your power to do so, if you really mean it. Carelessness is one of the major causes of affairs in marriage not the devil in the real sense of it as many people always claim when they fall into error. So abide with the following simple rules and you will never fall into adultery... 1: Never make a member of the opposite sex your best friend with whom you share intimate discussions. 2: Never be with a member of the opposite sex at a time your spouse doesn't know you are there. 3: Never speak evil about your spouse in the presence of anyone. they will know you are not happy in your marriage and take advantage of that by showing you insincere affections and give you what you lack with your Spouse and destroy you. 5: Never visit a website you will not be proud to tell your children and wife / husband you visited. 6: Avoid keeping secrets from your spouse, AFFAIRS thrive in secrecy. 7:

Importance of Incorporation and Registration of Names.

IMPORTANCE OF REGISTRATION OF  BUSINESS NAME  AND INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES IN NIGERIAN COPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION.  THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW AND THE STEP TO TAKE TO REGISTER A BUSINESS ORGNIZATION IN NIGERIA.  Requisition to make before entering or carrying out incorporation.  1.What kind of business organization do you what to operate? 2.What is the size of the business organization you intend to run.  3.What is the risk and scope of the liability of the organization?  4.Is the business profit oriented? the profit made for the charity organization?  6.Are there restrictions on the name intended to be used?  7.what is object of the intended organization. A: A business name is the name which a business trades under for commercial purposes. A business does not actually begin by formulating a business plan or opening a bank account. It starts from choosing a name. There is more to business name than just identity. A good business name is an advertising tool. Many